1934 Austin 10

New tyres all round

Having been sitting for a number of years the tyres were in desperate need of replacing. Tyres were supplied to us from Vintage Tyres and Graeme

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Strip, Clean and Test Carburettor

We have now stripped, cleaned and pressure tested our newly built carburettor so we are now ready to refit back at the owner’s home later this week.

Polishing the bright-work on our Austin 10

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Brian has been busy polishing the faded bright work on our 1934 Austin 10. A little elbow grease and TLC and it’s come up lovely, a complete transformation.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”24046,24047,24048,24049,24050,24051,24052,24053,24054,24055″][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Fitting up the new interior trim

We received a box of trim relating to the interior of our 1934 Austin 10 but unfortunately the majority of it was beyond repair.

Having said that, it gave us great templates to re-produce the trim we required.

It would be nice to recover the sunroof but this may come at a later date.


Painting the Austin 10 rear panel

We are now fully primed and ready to be painted.

Our objective was to solely rectify the area that had gotten contaminated. The customer did not want any of the car addressed other than the rear panel in question. Our camera system has matched the colour perfectly to ensure that we can maintain the original ‘patina’ throughout.


New tyres all round

Having been sitting for a number of years the tyres were in desperate need of replacing.

Tyres were supplied to us from Vintage Tyres and Graeme from WeFitAnyTyresAnyWhere Ltd was on hand to fit them for us.

Rebuilding the Austin 10 brakes

Peter has been busy working on the re-commissioning of our 1934 Austin 10. Today he has managed to strip the brakes and rebuild them with new shoes all round.

Thank you to the guys at Alderton Austin Specialists who kindly supplied all of the parts required for our re-commissioning project.

Alderton Austin Specialists specialise in all things Austin.

Servicing, repairs and restoration…

New and used spares… they have a huge stock of new used components to keep your Austin in tip-top condition. They stock parts for the Austin Seven, 10/4, Light 12/4 and 12/6.

Preparing our Austin for paint

Along with re-commissioning our Austin 10, we are also looking to paint an area of corrosion above the rear screen.

Recommissioning our 1934 Austin 10

In our workshops this week we have our 1934 Austin 10.

The car has been off the road for some time so a big part of the recommissioning will be to work on servicing the engine and getting her up and running again.

Along with the engine, we’ll be looking to correct some paint defects and re-fit the rear glass which has been taken out.

A couple of unusual but very innovative design features have been added to the car which worked as a quick fix to a more underlying problem. The fuel pump has been by-passed and a 1 litre bottle has been piped up to gravity feed fuel into the system.

Clever…but not practical.

We will look to repair the fuel pump to enable the car to run much further than where a 1 litre can take you.