Building the bulkhead

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Managing Director – Bridge Classic Cars

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]We are now well on the way with refitting our 1976 Maserati Merak.

Probably one of our most challenging builds to date, not only did the car come to us as a ‘box of bits’ but sourcing parts and information regarding this vehicle has been somewhat of a challenge.

As mentioned previously, all anyone seems to have for this vehicle is a manual. I’m sure you’re thinking ‘a manual is all you need’ but when it is all in Italian it makes some tasks tricky.

Luckily we have built up a fantastic contact book of Maserati specialists who have all been great and the guys at McGrath Maserati have been amazing help to us today as we fitted up the bulkhead ready for the fuel tanks and engine to be fitted.

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