left-hand & right-hand drive Conversions

When converting a car from left-hand to right-hand drive or vice-versa, it is crucial that all aspects of the conversion are thought out not just from a mechanical standpoint but an aesthetic viewpoint. That is what Bridge Classic Cars can do for your classic car.

We offer a bespoke service to convert any classic car from either right-hand drive to left-hand drive or the other way round depending on your needs.

Using only the highest quality components and systems, our highly skilled technicians and fabricators can adapt and engineer a solution to this much sought-after service entirely based around your needs from the car.

Our restoration workshop ensure that the system works without fault and gives you the peace of mind and ease of use that only comes with perfect execution of this job. Along with that, our in-house trim team can seamlessly alter the appearance of the dashboard, centre consoles and other pieces of trim to make it look as though it was always meant to be that way.

Some of the benefits of a bespoke conversion are:

  • Based entirely around your needs and wishes
  • High-Quality fit and finish using top-quality parts
  • Handcrafted bespoke interior work to match the mechanicals
  • Expert installation and testing for peace of mind

For more information on how we can help, give our friendly team a call on 01473 742038 or email info@bridgeclassiccars.co.uk