MGYT Update: Body on Chassis, Engine Almost Ready, Parts Ready For Refit

Picture of By Craig Ranson
By Craig Ranson

Managing Director – Bridge Classic Cars

Today’s the day our newly refurbished chassis reunites with the freshly painted ‘Clipper blue’ body shell of our 1949 MG YT.

We’ll now loosely fit the body panels and start to rebuild. Once we are in a position where we are happy to tighten the panels we’ll proceed to do so.

We’ve had just received confirmation from George Edny, internationally renowned MG engine specialist, that our engine will be complete and back with us for the end of February which is great news as it means will are on time for our schedule.

Lauren has been busy behind the scenes sorting through, cleaning and refurbishing all of the components ready for the refit. We like to be ahead of the game when it comes to sorting and refurbishing. It’s very easy to sit back and think that you have plenty of time but the sooner it can get done the better. Not only can you wrap everything up reassured that the job has been done but it gives you time to repair and replace any components that need doing.

We have even decided to sympathetically refurbish the bumper badges. Ordinarily these owuld be kept original but with such a drastic change to the overal appearance of our MGYT we felt it was best to fresh up the badges. Here we have the freshly painted AA badge, in original AA Yellow.

A huge difference to how it came to us.

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